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     Of this Day, too many happiness and funny in here, I with Note and Fred arrived Xi’an Station from Luoyang in the morning, and very kind of police on train, They are so kind of that, Because we only got hard-stand on there, But the police gave the soft seat on train, Anyway we arrived Xi’an train station at 5h30am, Then we took No.603 to Shuyuan Youth Hostel, But in that moment we could not got any beds in this hostel, So we only can waiting for someone check out. We stayed in lobby around 3 hours, after that we got 50RMB/night bed in Youth Hostel.


    We got very nice bath after we check bags. Fred and Note went to bed for rest, But I was not felt tried, so I went to Internet place and bell house in centre of Xi’an city. Because I wanted found a place to make my watch get well. Any way I could found of that, So I with Fred got food in Mcd’s. Then we back Hostel and Fred back for rest again. But me, I staying in Hostel for chatting with different people.


    When Fred got up around 3pm. So we went to City Wall, and we phoned to the friends that we met in Shaolin Kung Fong area in 2 Days ago. Anyway. We met each other again at City Wall, and they helped us to get student ticket for 5RMB each. Then we walking on the Wall. One more fun things happened on the Wall. The local TV Station (I guess they make some traveling showing) and I with Fred should be on TV in coming Days of here (Maybe). But it is okay la. After that we were walking back the South Gate of City Wall. Because the City Wall was broken, So we got a beer on the rest place.


    Later when we leaved the Wall, We back Youth Hostel for check Note for dinner together, But he was out, so we just leaved message to him and we went to restaurant for our dinner of dumpling, Of that dish, so cool of that, and in there it had green dumpling and very nice food, and we paid a litter cash of 64RMB for 4 people, That’s quite cheaper.


    Anyway,Great of this trip!


     作者:_gf406365137002**** 出自:


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